Frequently Asked Questions
What is a Community Foundation?
Tax-exempt, public-supported organization
Made up of individual, permanent endowment funds
Managed by a single administrative body
Also manage special project funds
How do Community Foundations benefit communities?
Provides an avenue for philanthropy to benefit local non-profit organizations and community projects.
Income from the endowment funds is granted to local charities and scholarships.
How do Community Foundations decide who receives grants?
The donor determines what areas of philanthropy they would like to support when a fund is established.
The fund can be designated to support a specific charity such as a church, non-profit agency, school district or college scholarships and can support a broad field of interest such as human services, arts, humanities, community development, or youth activities.
A fund can be unrestricted, where the Columbia Basin Foundation's Board decides where the funds are needed most.
Who runs the Columbia Basin Foundation?
The CBF Board of Directors consists of private citizens who are chosen to be representative of the public interest and for their knowledge of their community and our region. The 9 to 15 Directors are members of various communities served by the Foundation. They serve staggered three-year terms.
The Office Administrators and Board Members are committed to the philanthropic mission and goals of the foundation.
What are some other reasons for making charitable contributions through CBF?
Ensure that your gift will have lasting impact.
The Board of Directors make the donor's wishes their priority.
Donations can be anonymous.
Contributions are tax deductible.
Donations can be made at any time, in any amount.
Work with the staff while directing donations to multiple charities.
The staff can work with you and your professional advisor to coordinate bequests to multiple organizations with the assurance of complete confidentiality.
The Columbia Basin Foundation publishes its financial information annually and it is available upon request from the Foundation office.